So I will always be an Ohio Sports fan no matter how far from the Buckeye State we go. Just a couple of nights ago I watched the Buckeyes lose with anticipation, but with little surprise. Why little surprise you ask? If you don't understand just follow Ohio Sports. With that said I understand what it means to persevere as an Ohio Sports fan.
I don't know if any of that perseverance has carried over into life itself, but I like to think so after we just celebrated 2 years at Awaken just a week and a half ago. I remember the scary and lonely days of 3 in our living room praying and trying to believe at times that God really called us here to Virginia Beach to plant churches. I won't go through all the numbers that you can read about in a previous post, but we have seen life's changed, leaders raised up, foundations of a healthy church being laid, a new fight against human trafficking and a vision and strategy becoming much more refined. It is exciting to be a part of a growing church as we enter our third Easter Service.
The past couple of weeks we have put a lot of work and prayer into preparation for Easter this next Sunday. Last Sunday we mobilized close to 50 people to pass out close to 5000 fliers and 1000 marshmallow peeps all inviting to Easter. This week we hosted a group of High School Students from Akron Grace Church to help with all this preparation as well.
As we begin our third year please pray for us this Easter in the following ways:
1. Pray that we are able to attract people from the community and people bring their friends and family.
2. Pray that God's Kingdom may be added to as people trust in Jesus.
3. Pray that Awaken may continue to grow in numbers and influence towards the gospel.
4. Pray that we are able to see over 100 people join us for worship for the first time.
Norton Grace Church. :-)
Love you guys and hope you have a great Easter.
2 years ago the awaken family set out to do the impossible, but thanks to many supports and the power of prayer the impossible has now become possible. I just wanted to send the awaken family a encourageing note. When our family was up there a month ago to check out a church service. I was amazed of how many people awakens has (new believers, and even un saved ones) willing to do so much behind the sences work and learn as they go. I met some really "real" people and it was neat encourageing sight for such a small but growing church. So on your 2yr. Celebration, I say congradulations and keep up the great work. Peoples salvation depend on it. God is good all the time.
Awesome job Awaken church.
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